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Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study Series

  1. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Introduction) 126p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  2. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Earth) 192p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  3. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Mammals & Flowerless Plants) 220p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  4. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Reptiles) 210p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  5. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Trees) 229p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  6. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Wild Weed Crop) 236p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  7. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Birds) 215p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid hard  
  8. Anna Comstock – Handbook of Nature Study (Insects) 243p 15,3×22,8cm isi warna hvs80 jilid hard  

MB God’s Series

  1. MB God’s Design Life (Teacher) 441p a4 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  2. God_s Design Life (Student) 392p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  3. MB God’s Design Life for Beginner 342p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  4. MB  God’s Design Chemistry & Ecology (Teacher Guide) 475p a4 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  5. MB God’s Design Chemistry and Ecology (Student) 416p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft 
  6. MB God’s Design Heaven and Earth (Student) 432p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft 
  7. MB God’s Design Heaven and Earth (Teacher) 391p a4 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft

D Appleton-Century

  1. A Child_s History of Art – Painting 159p b5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  2. A Child_s History of Art – Sculpture 119p b5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  3. A Child_s History of Art -Architecture 159p b5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft

Living Book Press Series

  1. Wild Life in Woods and Fields Digital 67p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  2. By Pond and River Digital 64p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  3. Plant Life in Field and Garden Digital 75p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  4. Birds of the Air Digital 78p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  5. Trees and Shrubs Digital 81p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  6. Among the Farmyard People Digital 157p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  7. Among the Forest People Digital 127p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  8. Among the Meadow People Digital 122p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  9. Among the Night People Digital 138p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  10. Among the Pond People Digital 135p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  11. Dooryard Stories Digital 146p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  12. Tales from a Poultry Farm Digital 138p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  13. The Birds Christmas Carol-digital 83p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  14. Little Brother to the Bear-digital 193p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid soft
  15. Geography of Asia 4 Kids-digital 85p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  16. Tales from Shakespeare-digital 312p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  17. Wonderland of Nature-digital 316p b5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  18. CM Book of Centuries-digital 192p a4 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  19. Understood Betsy-digital 158p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  20. Book of Centuries-BC-digital 157p a4 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  21. Matter Molecules and Atoms-digital 37p a5 isi warna premium hvs100 jilid soft
  22. First Book of Bugs digital-2 47p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  23. First Book of Bees kuning digital 71p 19×23,5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  24. The First Book of Birds-digital 72p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  25. The First Book of Water-digital 48p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  26. Madam How and Lady Why-digital 238p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  27. Number Stories-digital 148p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  28. Childs Book of Nature Animals-digital 182p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  29. Famous Legends-digital 144p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  30. Outdoor Geography-digital 138p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  31. Story-Lives of Master Musicians-digital 304p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  32. Home Geography for Primary Grades-digital 99p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  33. Secrets of the Woods-digital 145p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  34. English-Literature-For-Boys-and-Girls-digital 528p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid hard
  35. Great Astronomers-digital 296p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  36. Great Inventors and their Inventions-digital 204p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  37. Joan of Arc Digital 486p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  38. Madam How and Lady Why-digital 238p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  39. Matter Molecules and Atoms-digital 39p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  40. Red Fairy Book-digital 379p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard
  41. The Lay of the Land-digital 156p a5 isi bw hvs80 jilid hard

Charlotte Mason Beehive

  1. Geography-1.1-Teachers-Guide-UK-Complete 132p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  2. Geography-Pictures-Little-Folk-UK-Complete 76p a4 landscape isi warna hvs80 jilid soft lem
  3. Geography-Pictures-New-World-at-Home-Complete 136p a4 landscape isi warna hvs80 jilid soft lem
  4. Geography-Pictures-Physical- Geography-UK-Complete 40p a4 landscape isi warna hvs80 jilid soft lem
  5. Outdoor-Geography-Handbook-UK-Complete 78p b6 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  6. Little-Folk-in-Modern-Lands-Complete-i3ends 97p a5 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  7. Tommy-Smiths-Animals-Complete-1 136p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft

Simply CM

  1. Music-Study-Bach-book 46p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  2. Music-Study-Beethoven-book 54p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  3. Music-Study-Handel-book 50p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  4. Music-Study-Haydn-book 48p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  5. Music-Study-Mendelssohn-book 46p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  6. Music-Study-Schumann-book 48p a5 isi bw hvs70 jilid soft
  7. Picture-Study-Van-Gogh 26p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft

Math Mammoth

  1. MathMammoth_Grade1-A_Int 147p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  2. MathMammoth_Grade1-B_Int 148p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  3. MathMammoth_Grade2-A_Int 161p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  4. MathMammoth_Grade2-B_Int 158p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  5. MathMammoth_Grade3-A_Int 181p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  6. MathMammoth_Grade3-B_Int 166p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  7. MathMammoth_Grade4-A_Int 189p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  8. MathMammoth_Grade4-B_Int 198p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  9. MathMammoth_Grade5-A_Int 215p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft
  10. MathMammoth_Grade5-B_Int 214p a4 isi warna hvs80 jilid soft

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